普速/普快 (100km/h)1001-9999大部分是非空调车
快速列车 (120km/h)K1-K9999在1997年之后开行,主要为空调车
特快/直达列车 (160km/h)T1-T9999; Z1-Z9999在2000年之后开行,全部为空调车
城际列车 (250km/h, 短程)C1001-C9999以和谐号系列为主,在2007年之后开行
动车组 (250km/h, 远程)D1-D9999以和谐号系列为主,在2007年之后开行
高铁 (350km/h)G1-G9999以复兴/和谐号系列为主,在2007年之后开行
Train TypeTrain No.Details
Local Train (100km/h)1001-9999Most of them are not air-conditioned
Normal Train (120km/h)K1-K9999Air conditioned, emerged after 1997
Express Train (160km/h)T1-T9999; Z1-Z9999Air conditioned, emerged after 2000
Intercity Train (250km/h, short-haul)C1001-C9999CRH Series. After 2007
EMU Train (250km/h, long-haul)D1-D9999Mostly CRH Series. After 2007
High Speed Rail (350km/h)G1-G9999CRH and CR (Fuxing) Series. After 2007


Visit the link upwards to check the latest information about trains in China. You can search either by station or by train number. The database for High Speed Rail is to be updated soon. Due to the limitations of the broadband network, the webpage may turn out to be slow when visit it for the first time. That’s because the webpage will load the whole database instead of your query.


Some old train numbers may still exist in the timetable for memorial purposes.


If you have any suggestions, please leave comments below or contact posts@chinarailstory.com! Thank you very much.


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