

You may not have actually been to Jiande County, Qiandao Lake, or Lanxi County. But you must have drank Nongfu Spring’s mineral water (a popular brand in China). This railway, as we refer it as ‘the fantasy by Qiandao Lake, is called the Jinqian Railway. It is located at the west of Zhejiang Province, and is quite close to the sea. The natural beauty here is simply pure, and beautiful. Please follow the trace of ‘Memory Jinqian’ to explore more about this route! As the first passage in this series, I hope you would enjoy the reading experince.

[新安江站内5308与5069(新南调机)同时在站内] DF7C-5308 & DF7C 5069, affiliated to Xin’nan Depot, is shunting in the marshalling yard


As a native of Jiande County, Zhejiang Province, I have been very interested in the railway and the railway crossings at my home since the time I have my first impression on the world around me. Whenever I pass the railway crossing, I would stop and look in the direction of the railway, hoping that a train will pass through. Whenever a train passes, the railings at the crossing will be lowered to block the vehicles. My mother doesn’t like to wait and always complains that the train is coming at the wrong time. However, I enjoyed these rare minutes, secretly, along with the ‘Ding-Dong’ sound made by the siren.

后来查阅了资料才得知家门口的铁路叫:金千线, 又名金千铁路。金千铁路原称金岭铁路,全长79公里,共设13站,分别建于1930-1932年、1956-1957年。南起自浙江省金华市沪昆铁路上的金华西站,向北经过兰溪市、建德市,终点在建德市岭后村,沿途设竹马馆、功塘、兰溪、永昌、排塘、寿昌、新安江南、新安江、朱家埠、千岛湖南。

Later, searching for information online, I learned that the this railway is called Jinqian railway. (JINhua-QIANdaohu) It has a total length of 79 kilometers and 13 stations, which were built in 1930-1932 and 1956-1957 respectively. It starts from Jinhua west station on the Shanghai-Kunming Railway, passes through Lanxi City and Jiande City in the north, and ends at Linghou village. Along the way, there are zhumaguan, Gongtang, Lanxi, Yongchang, paitang, shouchang, Xin’an Jiangnan, Xin’an River, zhujiabu and Qiandao Lake South Station.


At present, the remaining stations are all refurbished. Unce upon a time, the Xixi station (later demolished) was between Yongchang station and paitang station, and there was a watchtower between shouchang and Xin’anjiang station before the construction of Xin’anjiang South station.

[更楼站被撤销后更楼站牌也被拆除,倒塌在站台旁] The naming plate of ‘Genglou’ collapsed in the weeds
[满目沧桑的更楼站候车室站房] The waiting room of Genglou Station, which suffered from constant raining, and lacked proper maintainence


Because I am from Jiande, I am very familiar with the stations on the Jinqian Railway: shouchang, genlou, Xinanjiang, zhujiabu, and Qiandao Lake South Station. Xin’anjiang station is more familiar to me! It was built in 1957, and is 69 kilometers away from Jinhua station. Since the new Xin’anjiang station was put into operation in 2016, the former Xin’anjiang station has stopped handling freight business.

[新安江站牌] The naming plate of Xinanjiang Station (Xinan River)

[千岛湖南站遗留下来的老铁路招待所,目前已废弃多年] The long-abandoned railway hotel, is in this direction

[附近的碧桂园小区与金千铁路的合影] The old Jinqian Railway, together with the new-constructed community


Xin’anjiang station has six lines. Previously, when the Sinopec plant next to Xin’anjiang station has not been relocated, there was also a triangle turning line in the freight yard, which is said to be used for transferring steam locomotives. Later, the real estate development requisitioned the site of Xin’anjiang freight yard, and then the Xin’anjiang freight yard was turned into the Biguiyuan community. The oil depot line has also been demolished in recent years. The Nongfu Springs were loaded in boxcars, and were towed to Qiandao Hunan Station for shunting and marshalling, and then it is towed by DF4B locomotive to Jinhua East marshalling yard, transferring it to everywhere else in China.

[5308机车准备牵引空棚车前往千岛湖南站] DF7C-5308 is bound for Qiandao Lake South Station
[金千线的终点站 :铁路农夫山泉装运货场] The Destination of Jinqian Railway, the storage hall of Nongfu Spring company


Let’s shift our point of view to Qiandao Lake South Station. The station has been built and put into use since 1975, and its name has been changed many times since then. It was first called Linghou station, and then renamed Qiandaohu station on January 1, 1991.

The Hangzhou Huangshi high-speed railway was built and put into use locally to replace the passanger service, previously in Jinqian Railway. A high-speed railway station in Chun’an county is called Qiandaohu station. In order to prevent conflicts (same names), the original Qiandao Lake Station Qiandao Lake South Station on August 1, 2018, and kept this name eversince. The station building of Qiandao Lake South Railway station is well preserved.The bus timetable and luggage price signs were still hung on the wall of the waiting room, despite there were no buses and trains anymore. As introduced at the beginning, Jinqian railway was originally called Jinling railway because the earliest Qiandao Lake South Station was called Linghou station. The older generation of residents living in Linghou community have been accustomed to referrin Qiandao Lake South as Linghou station.

[千岛湖南站候车室站房] The waiting room of Qiandao Lake South station

[千岛湖南站候车室内遗留的行包运价表] The remained price table for transporting luggages by railway to major cities in China
[曾经的千岛湖站客运值班室] The adminstrative head of passenger service at the station
[千岛湖南站客运值班室内遗留的列车时刻表] The remained train timetable at Qiandao Lake South station


Perhaps you are still imagining the busy Xin’anjiang station with heavy traffic today, or you are still imagining the bustle of Linghou station with a long history 20 or 30 years ago, but now they are all gone. Our “train”, of a modern age, will continue to move forward and enjoy the more attractive scenery on this road, the Jinqian Railway.

[金千线全长79公里的 终点公里界碑] The total length of Jinqian Railway is 79 kilometers, and this concrete tablet marks the final end

[曾经的更楼站货场/新南调机5069通过货场正线] Another DF7C-5069, amidst the villages


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